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Welcome to our website!
Notice:  Change of location:

The March meeting will be held at the Carthage Elks Club Monday evening March 10, at 6:30 pm

Please check our

Facebook page for the latest information on dates and times of club events.


Congratulations to our new club officers, who were elected at the May 2024 meeting:

President: Dennis Jackson

Vice president: Tim McFall

Secretary: Aimee Reed

Treasurer: Rob Knowlton


The club membership wishes to thank Justin Bach for his service as the President of the club for the past ten years.  Congratulations and thank you, Justin!


Our new official shirts and hats are now available for sale at the sign up booth.  A big thank you to Aimee Reed and her committee for heading up this project!

The Ranges Are Open

The process of building the new Rifle and Pistol ranges is nearing completion!  

On Monday, August 28, 2023, a work detail, attended by several club members, was held.

The crew, led by Dennis Jackson, assembled and installed the range backboards.  The crew worked together to get everything done smoothly.


Thanks to Valda Arndt, who prepared a delicious breakfast for the crew.  The pancake feed got us through the day!


The work detail was the culmination of the decision-making process begun in the membership meetings, and then worked by Ryan Reed who performed the awesome site work, E. Moser Carpentry, who poured the pads for the backboards and the shooting porches, and built the porch structures. 


The conceptualization and design work by certain members who wish not to be named, to say nothing of the countless hours of legwork to get all the parts ready to go, is greatly appreciated.


Indeed it is impossible to thank everyone who helped bring this project to fruition by name, so, Thank You to all!


Range distances for rifle are 50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 yards.  The pistol range distance is 15 yards.  The shotgun patterning board is 30 yards.


Range Use Instructions


Complete, official range use instructions will be published soon, but here are the basic rules:


    Observe basic firearm safety practices!


    Bring your own paper targets and materials to affix your targets to the backboard.  Please clean up after you are finished shooting by removing your target, tape, expended cartridges, etc.


Since there are now multiple ranges, and patrons may be shooting simultaneously, you must observe "HOT and COLD" range rules!


The most important rule is to be AWARE of what other shooters are doing, and be patient with others who wish to go downrange.  TAKE TURNS!


The ranges are open to members only.  You may bring visitors to view the ranges, but since the club membership fee is only $20.00, we need to emphasize that if visitors wish to make use of the ranges, they are expected to join the club.


To shoot from the prone position, you need to bring your own mat and "sandbags".



Our Address:


4500 Cold Spring Park Road 

Carthage, NY 13619


Contact us at:


Thanks to the NRA, The National Rifle Association for their generous grant 

The Carthage Rod and Gun Club would like to thank the NRA for a generous grant to help fund our new 250 yard rifle range. We would like to encourage all club members and non members to become an NRA member to aid in the fight to protect our 2nd amendment rights.


Here below are two photos of the progress on the 250 yard range.  The range is projected to be operational in the 2023 season.

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